Handelsbetingelser og privatlivspolitik

Nedenstående handelsbetingelser og privatlivspolitik gælder, når du køber ydelser (som online-kurser, workshops, seminarer, foredrag, kurser, uddannelser, gruppeforløb, rådgivning, konsultationer eller andre serviceydelser) ved virksomheden Bech Academy of Classical AyurVeda, CVR nr 29 64 77 63, herunder kaldet www.charlottebech.dk.
Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os på tlf. 33 31 54 44 eller e-mail: cb@ceba.dk.

 Jeg er indforstået med følgende:

  • at jeg beholder min egen praktiserende læge
  • at læge Charlotte Bech ikke overtager funktionen som min praktiserende læge.
  • at konsultationen er et supplement til – og på ingen måde erstatter – besøg hos andre læger, rådgivning fra andre læger, eller anden medicinsk og lægefaglig standardbehandling
  • at konsultationen er et supplement til – og på ingen måde erstatter – Sundhedsstyrelsens anbefalinger på området
  • at jeg fortsætter al behandling og medicin, som gives af andre læger
  • at al behandling og medicin, som gives af andre læger, kun kan ændres efter aftale med disse andre læger
  • at retningslinjerne er forebyggende i deres karakter og ikke erstatter andre forebyggende retningslinjer, som gives af andre læger
  • at der ikke gives garanti for helbredelse af nogen sygdomme
  • at klinikken ikke påtager sig ansvar for skjulte eller aktuelle sygdomme
  • at konsultationerne giver generelle retningslinjer for at uddanne mig i sundere livsstil
  • at jeg selv tager det fulde ansvar for mit eget helbred
  • at de instruktioner og information, som jeg modtager, ikke kan bruges i undervisning eller andet professionelt virke, og alene er til mit eget personlige brug
  • at jeg ikke vil optage konsultationen hverken via audio eller video
  • at jeg har modtaget instrukser efter de gængse vejledninger fra Sundhedsstyrelsen
  • at jeg ønsker – og samtykker til – at få oplyst – som supplement til den gængse vejledning – hvad der anbefales i ayurvedisk praksis, samt at jeg har fået forklaret og oplyst links til, hvad ayurvedisk kost og livsstilsanbefalinger går ud på, og hvad der kan være af eftervirkninger
  • at jeg er informeret om den foreslåede behandlingsform og evt. følgevirkninger.

Jeg giver mit samtykke til at få vejledning via www.charlottebech.dk.

Gå til lægen
Det er ikke meningen, at kurser, seminarer, foredrag, eller andre ydelser via www.charlottebech.dk skal erstatte besøg hos lægen. Hvis du fejler noget, eller hvis du føler dig syg, eller hvis du har symptomer, bør du tale med din egen læge. Ydelserne indeholder generelle retningslinjer for, hvordan man får en sundere livsstil. Der er ingen af ydelserne, der har til hensigt at diagnosticere eller behandle sygdom eller erstatte medicinsk og lægefaglig standardbehandling. Retningslinjerne er forebyggende og erstatter ikke andre retningslinjer, som gives af andre læger. Al viden i ydelserne præsenteres under forudsætning af, at deltageren selv tager det fulde ansvar for sit helbred. Opsøg læge, hvis du har den mindste tvivl, og før  du evt. overvejer at ændre på nuværende medicin eller behandling.
Selv om mange, der følger retningslinjerne i disse ydelser, har haft gode resultater, er der ingen garanti for resultaterne. Www.charlottebech.dk kan ikke drages til ansvar for eventuelle bivirkninger eller uønskede resultater, som kunne opstå ved at følge vejledningen i disse ydelser. Www.charlottebech.dk kan på ingen måde gøres erstatningsansvarlig for de informationer, som gives via ydelserne – uanset om disse informationer mod forventning skulle være ukorrekte. Www.charlottebech.dk kan derfor ikke pålægges ansvar for skader, der direkte eller indirekte er pådraget på grundlag af de informationer, som gives via ydelserne. Indholdet i ydelserne er tænkt som generel sundhedsfaglig information for sundhed og kan på ingen måde sidestilles med personlig lægefaglig rådgivning.

På alle uddannelser, workshops, seminarer, gruppeforløb og andre arrangementer, er du som deltager underlagt tavhedspligt. Tavshedspligten gør sig gældende både fysisk og online og betyder, at du ikke må viderebringe personfølsomme oplysninger om de andre deltagere. Det betyder også, at man ikke må optage ydelserne eller dele af ydelserne via lydfiler eller video,  hvad enten det er live, video eller online.

Charlotte Bech leverer online produkter og tjenester, som stilles til rådighed gennem www.charlottebech.dk. De produkter og services www.charlottebech.dk tilbyder igennem hjemmesiden er underlagt følgende særlige vilkår for brug. Www.charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig ret til at opdatere særlige vilkår til enhver tid og uden varsel.

Www.charlottebech.dk indsamler kun de oplysninger om dig, som du selv afgiver i forbindelse med køb af ydelser og produkter eller tilmelding til nyhedsbrevet. Formålet med indsamlingen er at kunne gennemføre det køb / den levering, som oplysningerne er indsamlet i forbindelse med. Vi behandler dine oplysninger fortroligt og i overensstemmelse med Persondatalovens regler. Dine oplysninger videregives ikke til tredjemand. Du har ret til at få oplyst, hvilke oplysninger www.charlottebech.dk har om dig. Hvis oplysningerne ikke er korrekte, har du ret til at få dem ændret eller slettet. Du kan rette henvendelse herom på ovennævnte e-mail adresse.

COVID-19 forbehold
Såfremt uddannelse, workshops, foredrag eller andre arrangementer kurser aflyses pga. COVID-19 restriktioner, rykkes de til ny dato eller flyttes til et online arrangement.

Betaling og betalingsbetingelser
Alle priser er i danske kroner (DKK) ekskl. moms, med mindre andet er anført. Ved kortbetaling er du selv ansvarlig for at give os besked, hvis du får nyt kort. Besked skal gives skriftligt på ovennævnte e-mail adresse.

Ydelser skal betales fuldt ud ved aftalens indgåelse. Uanset hvilken betalingsform som aftales, er tilmeldingen endeligt bindende, og du hæfter for det fulde beløb. Forsinket eller udebleven betaling kan ikke anses for gyldig opsigelse af aftalen. Ved forsinket eller udebleven betaling tillægges morarente i henhold til Rentelovens regler.

Din plads på ydelsen er først endeligt reserveret, når vi har modtaget din fulde indbetaling på det pågældende deltagergebyr. Modtages den fulde betaling ikke rettidigt, vil pladsen blive frigivet. Rettidig betaling varierer fra ydelse til ydelse.
Vi tager forbehold for trykfejl, prisfejl, moms- og afgiftsændringer.

Ændringer og aflysning
Ved sygdom hos underviseren forsøges at finde en erstatningsgang f.eks. gennem nye afholdelsesdatoer eller anden underviser. Hvis deltageren er forhindret i at deltage i erstatnings-gangen, er det ikke muligt at få refunderet det indbetalte beløb.

Man er ikke garanteret en ydelse, selv om man har betalt, men www.charlottebech.dk har ret til – fra sin side – at annullere en ordre, og refundere indbetalte beløb.  Hvis der eksempelvis ikke er nok tilmeldte til møde, konsultation, kursus, eller arrangement, forbeholder vi os ret til at aflyse eller ændre startdato. Ændringer giver ikke ret til hel eller delvis tilbagebetaling af betalte beløb. Indbetalte beløb refunderes som udgangspunkt ikke.

Www.charlottebech.dk kan vælge, men er ikke forpligtet til, at erstatte aflyste ydelser med nye efter nærmere aftale. Hvis startdatoen ændres, vil du få besked via mail. Siger du ja til et evt. tilbud om erstatningsydelser, har du ikke ret til tilbagebetaling.

Www.charlottebech.dk har ret til at aflyse købte ydelser mod tilbagebetaling af det betalte beløb, som dækker de aflyste ydelser. Ved aflysning fra klinikkens side vil et eventuelt indbetalt beløb blive returneret til dig.

Hvis du har bestilt og betalt for et forlb med flere konsultationer, s skal de afvikles inden for et r. Man kan alts ikke komme senere og indlse konsultationer, hvis der er get mere end et r fra betaling.

Betaling for produkter og fortrydelse
Det er ikke muligt at få refusion for betaling af aflyste aftaler, herunder resterende konsultationer, seminarer, foredrag eller moduler, i et forudbetalt forløb, som er aflyst fra patientens side, uanset grund, eller for resterende kursusdage i et igangværende kursusforløb, som er aflyst fra kursistens side, uanset grund.

Når du foretager køb af online kurser, uddannelser, workshops, forløb eller sessioner ved www.charlottebech er købet som udgangspunkt bindende og jf. forbrugeraftaleloven er der ikke fortrydelsesret ved “rekreative fritidsaktiviteter”, hvis det fremgår af aftalen, hvilken dag eller inden for hvilken bestemt periode, den pågældende tjenesteydelse skal udføres.

Det betyder, at tilmelding og køb af uddannelser og arrangementer er bindende. Du kan derfor ikke forvente, at det betalte beløb ved tilmelding eller køb kan refunderes, hvis du bliver syg eller på anden måde er forhindret i at deltage.

Du kan dog overdrage din plads til en anden person ved at give www.charlottebech.dk, besked senest 24 timer inden start. Pladsen må ikke sælges for en højere pris end den er købt for, og kan kun overdrages til anden person efter aftale med www.charlottebech.dk

Som et led i at indhente det tabte i forbindelse med fravær, er det også muligt at købe privat undervisning for 15.000 ex. moms pr. dag.

Charlottebech.dk har alle rettigheder til leverede ydelser og produkter, hvad enten de er live, digitale eller trykte. Ved køb opnås alene en brugsret til det købte. Brugsretten er personlig. Det købte må kun anvendes til eget brug. Det købte skal behandles fortroligt og må ikke udleveres eller videregives til tredjemand.

Det købte må ikke anvendes til andre formål end det, hvortil det er købt, herunder må det købte særligt ikke anvendes kommercielt i direkte eller indirekte konkurrence med www.charlottebech.dk som virksomhed. Charlotte Bechs navn må ikke anvendes i reklame- eller referenceøjemed uden skriftlig tilladelse.

Elementer af www.charlottebech.dk er beskyttet af ophavsret, vareudstyr, varemærker, illoyal konkurrence og andre styrende love og må ikke kopieres eller efterlignes helt eller delvist. Ingen logo, grafisk, lyd eller billede fra dette site må kopieres eller transmitteres uden udtrykkelig tilladelse skriftligt af www.charlottebech.dk.

Såfremt det købte eller Charlotte Bechs navn anvendes i strid med denne bestemmelse, er www.charlottebech.dk berettiget til en bod på 100.000 (hundrede tusinde) kr. pr. overtrædelse for hver påbegyndt måned. Www.Charlottebech.dk er også berettiget til at få overtrædelsen stoppet ved fogedforbud uden sikkerhedsstillelse.

Alle rettigheder til ydelser og produkter tilhører www.charlottebech.dk. Ved køb opnås udelukkende licens til at benytte det købte produkt som angivet under det pågældende produkt. Www.charlottebech.dk har copyright på alt materiale, der bliver stillet til rådighed for dig, og ingen dele af materialet må bruges eller reproduceres uden skriftligt samtykke fra www.charlottebech.dk. Materialet er kun til købers eget personlige brug og må IKKE kopieres, distribueres, deles med andre eller benyttes i nogen form for undervisning af tredjemand.  Www.charlotte bech.dk har ingen forpligtelser til at sikre udgivelse af materialet til evig tid.

Det er som privatperson eller virksomheden ikke tilladt at videredistribuere indhold eller adgang til bekendtskaber, ansatte eller medejere idet dette vil ses som et brud på vores handelsbetingelser. Dog er det altid muligt, at rette henvendelse på tilbud af flere adgange i tilfælde af ønske om, at produktet benyttes af flere personer.

Ved køb af et ydelser eller andre kurser hos www.charlottebech.dk forpligter du dig dermed til ikke at fremvise, dele eller videredistribuere indhold og materiale til personer der ikke har købt kurset. Der kan forekomme IP kontrol og i tilfælde af overtrædelse af handelsbetingelser, vil der blive opkrævet erstatningskrav, hvis kurset er blevet delt.

Deltageren er under ingen omstændigheder berettiget til at overdrage eller videredistribuere dokumenter, indhold, lydfiler, skabeloner eller video til andre på internettet i anden elektronisk form eller fysisk form f.eks. gennem trykte papirsudgaver uden tilladelse.

I have read, understood and fully agree to all of the above pages, including Medical agreement, Medical disclaimer, Datapolitik, Handelsbetingelser og Copyright:

Handelsbetingelser og abonnementsbetingelser

Produkter og tjenester udbydes af:
Charlotte Bech
Nørregade 41, 2. sal
1165 København K
Kontakt os på cb@ceba.dk.

Produkterne bliver leveret digitalt via e-mail, som fysiske kurser eller arrangementer, eller med Post eller fragtmand.
Produkter kan købes med både VISA, Mastercard og Dankort.
Alle priser er i danske kroner inkl. moms.
For abonnementer gælder at abonnementsprisen, som oplyst på produktsiden, automatisk bliver trukket for hver abonnementsperiode. Kvittering for trækket tilsendes per email.
Du modtager en email med bekræftelse på din abonnementstilmelding efter indgåelse af abonnementet.
Du kan når som helst opsige dit abonnement ved at skrive til cb@ceba.dk, eller ved at logge ind på din konto og selv stoppe abonnementet. Opsigelsen er øjeblikkelig, og efter opsigelsen vil der ikke blive faktureret eller trukket yderligere. Allerede udsendte fakturaer skal dog stadig betales.
Ønsker du at ændre det kort abonnementet trækkes på gøres dette ved at klikke på det link, der står i hver faktura.
Levering sker som oftest i løbet af få minutter, men i helt særlige tilfælde kan der gå op til 5 hverdage.

Alle rettigheder til kurser, workshops, events samt digitale produkter tilhører Charlotte Bech. Ved køb opnås udelukkende licens til at benytte det købte produkt som angivet under det pågældende produkt.

Betalingsvilkår gyldig fra 11. juli 2017

Accept af særlige vilkår
Charlotte Bech leverer online produkter og tjenester, som stilles til rådighed gennem Charlottebech.dk. De produkter og services Charlottebech.dk tilbyder igennem hjemmesiden er ubetinget underlagt følgende særlige vilkår for brug. Charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig ret til at opdatere særlige vilkår til enhver tid og uden varsel.

 Afvikling – ændringer & aflysning
Charlottebech.dk har ret til at ændre tidspunktet for købte online ydelser / sessioner. Er der tale om 1:1 sessioner fastlægges et nyt tidspunkt, dog efter aftale mellem parterne. Ændringer giver ikke ret til hel eller delvis tilbagebetaling af betalte beløb. Indbetalte beløb refunderes som udgangspunkt ikke.

Charlottebech.dk har ret til at aflyse købte ydelser / sessioner/ kurser / møder/ forløb mod tilbagebetaling af den del af det betalte beløb, som dækker den / de aflyste ydelse(r) / session(er). Man er ikke garanteret en ydelse, selv om man har betalt. Charlottebech.dk har ret til – fra sin side – at annullere en ordre, og refundere indbetalte beløb.

Hvis der eksempelvis ikke er nok tilmeldte til mødet/konsultation/kurset/arrangementet, forbeholder vi os ret til at aflyse eller ændre startdato. Hvis startdatoen ændres, vil du få besked via mail, og have mulighed for at afmelde dig med fuld tilbagebetaling. Ved aflysning fra klinikkens side vil et eventuelt indbetalt beløb blive returneret til dig.

Charlottebech.dk kan vælge, men er ikke forpligtet til, at tilbyde at erstatte den / de aflyste ydelser / sessioner/ kurser / møder/ forløb med nye efter nærmere aftale. Siger du ja til et evt. tilbud om erstatningsydelser/-sessioner, har du ikke også ret til tilbagebetaling.

Du er selv ansvarlig for at møde op eller ringe op eller logge på til de aftalte/meddelte tider, og for at du har en velfungerende telefon- og / eller internet forbindelse samt en aktiv e-mail konto med tilpassede spamfiltre. Du er selv ansvarlig for at oplyse dine til enhver tid aktuelle telefonnumre og e-mail adresser. Oplysningerne skal gives skriftligt via e-mail.

Det er ikke muligt at få refusion for betaling af aflyste aftaler, herunder resterende konsultationer i et forudbetalt forløb, som er aflyst fra patientens side, uanset grund, eller resterende kursusdage i et igangværende kursusforløb/uddannelse/møde, som er aflyst fra kursistens side, uanset grund.

Din plads på holdet/mødet/konsultationen/kurser/uddannelser er først endeligt reserveret, når vi har modtaget din fulde indbetaling på det pågældende deltagergebyr. Modtages den fulde betaling ikke rettidigt, vil pladsen blive frigivet. Rettidig betaling varierer fra ydelse til ydelse.

Fortrydelsesret for forbruger
Som forbruger har du 14 dages fortrydelsesret, når du handler hos Charlottebech.dk. Fortrydelsesretten gælder dog ikke levering af digitalt indhold, eller levering af plomberede lyd- og billedoptagelser. Fortrydelsesretten bortfalder 14 dage inden kurset.

Beløbet hæves op til 30 dage før den dag hvor starten af selve uddannelserne og kurserne finder sted, fordi produktet skal gøres personligt i forberedelsen. Beløbet hæves på selve den dag hvor møder/konsultationer/forløb finder sted.

I henhold til forbrugeraftaleloven er der maksimalt 14 dages fortrydelsesret ved e-handel, herunder kurser/møder/konsultationer købt via denne portal, dog senest ved starttidspunktet for levering af ydelsen eller starten af kursusforløb/møder/konsultationer/uddannelser. Ved køb af ydelser løber 14 dages fristen fra den dag, du har tilmeldt dig og betalt.

Fristen regnes som udgangspunkt fra den dag, du har indgået aftalen, dvs. når du tilmelder dig kurset/mødet/konsultationen/uddannelsen/mødet. Inden udløbet af fortrydelsesfristen skal du underrette os om, at du har fortrudt aftalen, skriftligt pr. e-mail inden fristens udløb.

Hvis du tilmelder dig og betaler mindre end 4 uger til afholdelse af workshops, kurser, konsultationer, møder, forløb etc. frafalder de 14 dages fortrydelsesret.

Uanset om du har købt ydelser eller produkter, skal du inden for de 14 dage give os udtrykkelig meddelelse om, at du ønsker at fortryde dit køb via mail. Du kan ikke fortryde ved blot at nægte deltagelse i / modtagelse af eller returnere købte ydelser/produkter.

Produkter skal returneres til os inden 14 dage, og du skal afholde de direkte udgifter i forbindelse med returneringen. Når vi har modtaget det returnerede produkt i ikke-forringet stand, refunderer vi uden unødig forsinkelse dit tilgodehavende.

Købelovens mangelsregler i forbrugerkøb, herunder den 24-måneders reklamationsfrist, anvendes som udgangspunkt ikke på køb af tjenesteydelser, så kontakt os med det samme, hvis du oplever problemer.

Klageadgang for forbruger
Aftalen er undergivet dansk ret. Enhver uoverensstemmelse mellem parterne skal afgøres ved Retten i Lyngby som første instans. Er du forbruger, og vil du klage over dit køb, skal du rette henvendelse til Charlotte Bech via mail. Hvis det ikke lykkes os at finde en løsning, kan du indgive en klage til relevante nævn på området, såfremt betingelserne for det er opfyldt.

Betaling & Betalingsbetingelser
Alle priser er i danske kroner (DKK) ekskl. Moms, med mindre andet er anført.

Ved kortbetaling er du selv ansvarlig for at give os besked, hvis du får nyt kort. Besked skal gives skriftligt på ovennævnte e-mail adresse.

Kurser, møder, konsultationer, online-forløb og andre kurser/workshops skal betales fuldt ud ved aftalens indgåelse. Uanset hvilken betalingsform som aftales, er aftalen/tilmeldingen endeligt bindende. Og du hæfter for det fulde beløb. Forsinket eller udebleven betaling kan ikke anses for gyldig opsigelse/ophævelse af aftalen. Ved forsinket/udebleven betaling tillægges morarente i henhold til Rentelovens regler.

Ethvert erstatningsansvar, som Charlottebech.dk måtte pådrage sig i relation til de købte ydelser og produkter er begrænset til direkte skade og tab. Charlottebech.dk skal under ingen omstændigheder være ansvarlig for indirekte skade eller tab.

Ansvarsfraskrivelsen for indirekte skade og tab gælder uanset arten af erstatningsansvar, og uanset om Charlottebech.dk har handlet simpelt uagtsomt. Charlottebech.dks erstatningsansvar for direkte skade og tab er begrænset til 50 % af prisen på den ydelse eller det produkt, som erstatningsansvaret vedrører.

Charlottebech.dk har alle rettigheder til leverede ydelser og produkter, hvad enten de er live, digitale eller trykte. Ved køb opnås alene en brugsret til det købte. Brugsretten er personlig. Det købte må kun anvendes til eget brug. Det købte skal behandles fortroligt og må ikke udleveres eller videregives til tredjemand.

Det købte må ikke anvendes til andre formål end det, hvortil det er købt, herunder må det købte særligt ikke anvendes kommercielt i direkte eller indirekte konkurrence med Charlottebech.dk som virksomhed. Charlotte Bechs navn må ikke anvendes i reklame- eller referenceøjemed uden skriftlig tilladelse.

Såfremt det købte eller Charlotte Bechs navn anvendes i strid med denne bestemmelse, er Charlottebech.dk berettiget til en bod på 100.000 (hundrede tusinde) kr. pr. overtrædelse for hver påbegyndt måned. Charlottebech.dk er også berettiget til at få overtrædelsen stoppet ved fogedforbud uden sikkerhedsstillelse.


Charlottebech.dk indsamler kun de oplysninger om dig, som du selv afgiver i forbindelse med køb af ydelser og produkter eller tilmelding til nyhedsbrevet. Formålet med indsamlingen er at kunne gennemføre det køb / den levering, som oplysningerne er indsamlet i forbindelse med.

Vi behandler dine oplysninger fortroligt og i overensstemmelse med Persondatalovens regler. Dine oplysninger videregives ikke til tredjemand. Dine oplysninger bliver slettet, når det køb / den levering, de er blevet indsamlet til, endeligt afsluttes.

Du har ret til at få oplyst, hvilke oplysninger Charlottebech.dk har om dig. Hvis oplysningerne ikke er korrekte, har du ret til at få dem ændret eller slettet. Du kan rette henvendelse herom på ovennævnte e-mail adresse.

Ved at sende et indlæg, som indeholder billeder, fotografier, billeder eller som på anden måde indeholder noget grafisk helt eller delvist, garanterer du hermed at du er copyright ejer af sådanne billeder, eller at indehaveren af ​​ophavsretten af ​​sådanne billeder har givet dig tilladelse til at bruge sådanne billeder eller indhold og / eller billeder, der er indeholdt i sådanne billeder er i overensstemmelse med den måde, og formålet med dit brug og andet er tilladt af disse vilkår.

Du bekræfter at du har de nødvendige rettigheder til at tillade at hvis nogen person er afbilledet, at de så har givet samtykke til brug af billederne som angivet i disse vilkår, som eksempelvis – men ikke begrænset til -distribution, offentlig visning og reproduktion af sådanne billeder.

Ved at indsende billeder, giver du udtrykkeligt tilladelse til at se billederne i forbindelse med brug, som er tilladt i henhold disse vilkår, af en hvilken som helst af de services og kommunikationstjenester stilles til rådighed på Charlottebech.dk . Alle brugere af tjenesterne og / eller kommunikationstjenester for hver af sådanne billeder stillet til rådighed eller på anden måde formidles i forbindelse med nogen af ​​de tjenester, kommunikationstjenester eller hvor som helst på hjemmesiden.

Ingen kompensation eller provision vil blive betalt af Charlottebech.dk eller til enhver bruger af tjenesterne eller hjemmesiden, med hensyn til din brug af materialet eller udstationering af billeder, medmindre andet er aftalt skriftligt.

Vedrørende dokumenter og andre oplysninger lagt ud på webstedet
Charlottebech.dk giver brugere mulighed for at deltage i en eller flere kommunikationsfora som en del af tjenesterne. Tilladelse til at se, adgang til og / eller bruge webstedet videoindhold, datablade, PDF filer, ofte stillede spørgsmål etc og andre materialer fra de tjenester.

(1) Din brug af indholdet stilles til rådighed via tjenesterne eller hjemmesiden, som ikke overtræder de særlige vilkår og betingelser. (2) Din brug af indholdet via tjenesterne eller hjemmesiden er til personlige brug og det er ikke tilladt at kopiere det til eller lægge det ud på nogen netværkscomputer, andre hjemmesider, kommunikation fora, sociale netværk eller nogen anden form for medier. (3) Distribution af indhold kræver Charlottebech.dks udtrykkelig skriftlig tilladelse. Anvendelse til andre formål er udtrykkeligt forbudt ved lov og kan resultere i alvorlige civile og strafferetlige sanktioner. Lovovertrædere vil blive retsforfulgt i videst muligt omfang.

Elementer af Charlottebech.dk er beskyttet af ophavsret, vareudstyr, varemærker, illoyal konkurrence og andre styrende love og må ikke kopieres eller efterlignes helt eller delvist. Ingen logo, grafisk, lyd eller billede fra dette site må kopieres eller transmitteres uden udtrykkelig tilladelse skriftligt af Charlottebech.dk.

Indholdet på hjemmesiden, information, lister, posteringer, kommunikation og grafiske fremstillinger eller andet i forbindelse med tjenesterne kan indeholde tekniske unøjagtigheder, typografiske fejl, eller fejlagtige oplysninger vedrørende tilstand, kvalitet eller på anden måde.

Charlottebech.dk kan under ingen omstændigheder være ansvarlig for nogen specielle tab ved brug af data, enten i forsømmelighed eller anden skadevoldende handling, der udspringer af eller i forbindelse med brug af hjemmesiden. Det er uanset om der er tale om formidling, visning, svar på eller udførelsen af ​​ethvert indhold, information, produkt, data, grafisk billede eller andre medier repræsenteret i forbindelse med oplysninger, der offentliggøres på eller formidles i forbindelse med hjemmesiden eller tjenester som kan fås via hjemmesiden.

Hvis nogen af tjenesterne kræver at du åbner en konto, så skal du udfylde registreringsprocessen ved at give Charlottebech.dk aktuelle og præcise oplysninger. Du bliver bedt om at vælge din egen adgangskode og / eller et brugernavn. Du er selv ansvarlig for at beskytte fortroligheden af dit kodeord samt konto. Desuden er du selv alene ansvarlig for enhver og alle aktiviteter der foregår under din konto.

Du accepterer at underrette Charlottebech.dk om uautoriseret brug af din konto eller brud på sikkerheden. Charlottebech.dk er ikke være ansvarlig for tab, som du måtte lide som følge af at en anden person bruger din adgangskode eller konto, enten med eller uden din viden.

Misbrug og ulovlig anvendelse af indhold og tjenester
Som en udtrykkelig betingelse ved brug af de tjenester og indhold som er tilgængelige på Charlottebech.dk, så accepterer du, at du kun kan bruge ydelserne og tjenester til eget privat brug, og ikke andre formål.

Du må ikke bruge tjenesterne og / eller indholdet på nogen måde, der kan skade, deaktivere, overbelaste, eller forstyrre andre brugeres besøg eller indhold.  Du må ikke forsøge at få uautoriseret adgang til nogen tjenester, indhold, andre konti gennem hacking, password mining eller anden måde. De må ikke skaffe adgang eller forsøge på at skaffe adgang til materiale eller oplysninger ved vildledende midler eller handlinger vildledning, løgn eller bedrageri ved brug af tjenesterne og / eller indhold.

Brug af tjenester og indhold som er tilgængelige på Charlottebech.dk
De tjenester og det indhold som stilles til rådighed for dig, kan indeholde email tjenester, chatområder, nyhedsgrupper, forums, personlige hjemmesider og/ eller faciliteter som er designet til at gøre dig i stand til at kommunikere med andre. Du accepterer at du bruger kommunikationstjenesterne til indlæg, til at sende og modtage beskeder og materiale der er af lødig karakter, og relateret til den pågældende kommunikationstjeneste.

Som eksempel og ikke som en begrænsning, accepterer du, at når du bruger kommunikationstjenester vil du undlade at:  1) Bagvaske, udnytte, chikanere, spekulere, true eller på anden måde krænke retssikkerheden (så som retten til privatlivets fred og offentliggørelse)   2) Poste, indrykke, distribuere eller udbrede nogen form for upassende, blasfemiske, ærekrænkende, uanstændige, usømmelige, eller ulovlige emner, navne, materiale eller informationer.  3) Indlæse filer der indeholder virus, trojanske heste, orme, korrupte filer eller andet lignende software der kan skade driften af ​​en anden computer.  4) Uploade filer eller andet som der indeholder billeder, fotografier, software eller andet materiale der er beskyttet af intellektuel ejendomsret, herunder eksempelvis men ikke begrænset til copyright eller varemærkning ved lov eller retten til privatlivets fred eller omtale, medmindre du ejer eller kontrollerer rettighederne eller har modtaget alle nødvendige samtykke til for det samme.  5) Brug kommunikationstjenester i forbindelse med undersøgelser, konkurrencer, pyramidespil, kædebreve, uønsket e-mail, spam eller nogen overlappende eller uopfordrede beskeder (kommercielle eller andet);  6) Annoncere eller tilbyde at sælge eller købe varer eller tjenester via handlinger, bedrag, vildledning, bedrageri, eller gennem hemmeligholdelsesaftale eller tilbageholdelse af væsentlige oplysninger relateret til det der udbydes, sælges eller købte varer eller tjenester.  7) Bruge ethvert materiale eller oplysninger, herunder billeder eller fotografier som er gjort tilgængelige via tjenesterne, og indhold som på nogen måde krænker ophavsret, varemærker, patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller andre anstændighed retten for en part. 8) Hente enhver fil der er posteret af anden bruger i en kommunikationstjeneste som du ved, eller med rimelighed burde vide, ikke lovligt kan reproduceres, vises, udføres, og / eller distribueres på en sådan måde. 9) Begrænse eller forhindre andre brugere i at bruge og nyde kommunikationstjenesterne. 10) Harveste eller på anden måde indsamle oplysninger om andre, inklusive e-mail adresser; 11) Overtræde gældende love eller regler;  12) Bruge, downloade eller på anden måde kopiere, eller give (hvad enten mod betaling eller ej) til en person eller enhed enhver mappe af brugere af tjenesterne eller andre bruger- eller brugsoplysninger eller dele heraf.  13) Oprette en falsk identitet med det formål at vildlede andre.

Charlottebech.dk har ingen forpligtigelse til at overvåge kommunikationstjenesterne eller materiale der lægges på, noteret på eller på anden måde formidles gennem tjenesterne. Charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig dog ret til at gennemse materiale posteret med kommunikations tjenesterne for at fjerne enhver og alt materiale der vises på webstedet med eller uden årsag efter eget skøn. Charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig endvidere ret til at ekskludere eller forhindre deres adgang til enhver eller alle kommunikationstjenester på ethvert tidspunkt og uden varsel om grundlaget for eksklusionen.

Charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig ret til altid at kunne offentliggøre eller udlevere enhver oplysning som nødvendigt, for at kunne opretholde gyldig lovgivning, regulativer, retslig proces eller statslig anmodning, redigere, afvise indlæg, fjerne enhver oplysning eller materialer helt eller delvist, som udkommer på stedet efter eget skøn.

Charlottebech.dk kan uploade indhold eller andet materiale via kommunikationstjenesterne og kan være genstand for forbrugsbegrænsninger, reproduktion og / eller udbredelse. Du er ansvarlig for at overholde sådanne begrænsninger hvis du henter materiale. Eventuelle brugeruploadede materialer følger strengt de betingelser, der er anført i disse generelle vilkår.

 Begrænsning af ansvar for tjenester gjort tilgængelige på websitet.
Du accepterer udtrykkeligt, at lovgivningen uden hensyn til et hvilket som helst relevant modstridende retsprincip, finder anvendelse i enhver tvist, vedrørende din brug af tjenesterne, indholdet eller ethvert andet spørgsmål relateret til hjemmesiden.

Du accepterer udtrykkeligt og samtykker til udøvelse af personlig jurisdiktion i retten (via retten) angående enhver tvist vedrørende din brug af tjenester, indhold, vilkårene eller ethvert andet spørgsmål vedrørende hjemmesiden.

Du accepterer og samtykke til at en kompetent domstol i Danmark bliver det eneste mødested for alle tvister vedrørende din brug af tjenester, indhold, vilkårene eller ethvert andet spørgsmål vedrørende hjemmesiden.

Charlottebech.dk betaler ingen kompensation eller provision af til dig med hensyn til brug af tjenesterne eller opslag. Charlottebech.dk er ikke forpligtet til at poste eller anvende det materiale du har indsendt på hjemmesiden eller via kommunikationstjenesterne. Charlottebech.dk kan fjerne det hele eller dele heraf, af enhver indgivelse og / eller udstationering til enhver tid efter eget skøn uanset årsag.

Politik omkring kundeoplysninger. Se cookie- og privatlivspolitik her.

Cookies Se cookie- og privatlivspolitik her.

End of Danish version



English version


Medical agreement
– that I keep my own practitioner
– Doctor Charlotte Bech does not take over the role of my GP.
– the consultation is a supplement to – and in no way replaces – visits to other doctors, advice from other doctors or other medical and medical standard treatment
– the consultation is a supplement to – and in no way replaces
– the recommendations of the National Board of Health in this area
– I will continue all treatment and medicine given by other doctors
– All treatment and medication given by other doctors can only be changed in agreement with these other doctors
 – that the guidelines are preventive and do not replace preventive guidelines given by other doctors
– there is no guarantee of cure of any diseases
– the clinic does not assume responsibility for hidden or current diseases
– the consultations provide general guidelines for educating me in healthier lifestyles
– that I take full responsibility for my own health – that the instructions and information that I receive can not be used in teaching or other professional work, and only for my own personal use
– I have received instructions according to the current guidelines from the National Board of Health
I will not record any sessions, on video or audio or on fotographs.
– Anything and everything I hear or experience regarding other course participants’ personal life or health I will keep strictly confidential.
– I wish – and agree to – to be informed – as a supplement to the current guidance – what is recommended in Ayurvedic practice, and that I have been explained and explained links to what Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations are and what may be after effects – I am informed of the proposed treatment and, if appropriate, implications. 

Medical disclaimer 
This course does not provide medical advice. It does not replace the official guidelines for general health care in your country. You should follow the advice of your GP or your medical doctor. The programme presented in this course is a supplement to the official guidelines for health.

The course provides general guidelines for a healthier lifestyle. No parts of the course are intending to diagnose or treat disease or replace standard care by medical doctors and other health professionals. The guidelines are preventive in nature and do not replace other preventive guidelines, treatments or medicines given by other doctors. All knowledge in this course is given, assuming the course participants take full responsibility for their own health.

Although hundreds of course participants over the years successfully have followed the guidelines in this course without any problems, there is no guarantee of the results. The author, the presenter and the publisher cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects or any adverse outcomes that may arise from the instructions in this course.

Everyone should see their GP doctor if they have any questions or doubts before following any of the advice which is described in this course, and before they consider changing their current treatment or medicines.

The author, the presenter and the publisher can in no way be liable for the information contained in this course – even if the information (unexpectedly) should turn out to be inaccurate.

The author, the presenter and the publisher cannot impose liability for damage or loss that have occurred directly or indirectly based on the information contained in this course. The contents of this course are intended as general information and can in no way be compared to personal professional medical advice.

Terms and Conditions of Use for Dr. Charlotte Bech, including videos and online courses

Last Updated on May 12. 2020

NOTICE: These Terms and Conditions of Use are legally binding. It is your

responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully prior to purchase,

use or access of any of our products, including online courses.

Terms of this Course or Product Purchaser Agreement

All programs and products and services are owned

and provided by Dr. Charlotte Bech and www.charlottebech.dk (“Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”). The term “You” or “Your” refers to any user or purchaser of said program(s), product(s) or

service(s) (the “Offering”). These Terms and Conditions of Use govern and define how You

are allowed to use and access Company’s Offering. We reserve the right to update and change these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time,

and will update them accordingly with the ‘date last updated’ at the top of this page.

You are legally bound to these Terms and Conditions of Use whether or not you have read

them. If You do not agree with any of our Terms and Conditions of Use, please email us at

secretary@ceba.dk and we will make reasonable efforts to remove

your name, email and access to our Offering and website(s).

Your Product or Course Use and Consent

When you purchased our Offering, you were given a reasonable notice that these Terms and

Conditions of Use existed. By moving forward with your purchase of the Offering and further

access of the Offering, you implicitly agreed and continue to agree to abide by these Terms

and Conditions of Use as well as any disclaimers and privacy disclosures contained in these

Terms and Conditions of Use.

You agree you are at least 18 years old or of age in your applicable jurisdiction to access the

Offering. Access of our Offering and related materials by a minor is a violation of use, and

we reserve the right to terminate your access if such an issue is discovered.

Intellectual Property

Limited License. Any and all materials, paid or free, that You access on this or any related

domains that contain our Offering are under the sole ownership or licensed use of Dr. Charlotte Bech.

To be clear, we own our page layout and design, overall look and appearance, individual

graphics, icons, videos, logos, taglines and trademarks (common law or federally registered).

You are not allowed to reproduce any part of our website(s), program(s), product(s), service

materials or related communications.

You are only receiving a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license for

non-commercial use only in order to access any content or materials in the Offering you

have paid for or opted to receive. If You exceed the scope of this license, as determined by a

legal authority such as a court of law or the Trademark Trials and Appeals Board, you have

committed infringement in a manner that materially harms us, and we have the right to seek

damages and/or an injunction to remedy the situation until we are made whole.

You may:

– Access the Offering for Your personal use (if additional members of Your team

need to access the Offering, You must purchase additional Offerings at one per

each team member)

– Download and/or print any Offering materials for your personal use in your business

(if additional members of Your team need to download and/or print any materials

from the Offering, You must purchase additional Offerings at one per each team


– Use our trademarks and copyrighted materials with Our consent and proper credit

and marking, namely, citing ©Dr. Charlotte Bech as the source of the

materials and marking any federally registered trademarks with ® or common law

trademarks with ™.

You may not:

– Re-sell or trade Your access to the Offering

– Share the Offering with anyone else who has not yet purchased it or opted in to

receive it

– Reprint or republish any of the Offering, in part or in whole

– Distribute any of the materials contained in the Offering or related materials and/or

communications as your own, otherwise known as stealing

– Reproduce and tweak any part or whole of the Offering for distribution as your own


– Claim ownership or use over any of Our intellectual property without Our prior

consent, which includes (but is not limited to): copyrights such as course materials,

worksheets, workbooks, lessons, videos and more; trademarks such as names,

logos, taglines or other unique source identifiers; or trade dress including the look

and feel of the Offering (and its related communications and materials)

– Use our Offering or any related materials and/or communications in an unlawful

way or for any illegal or unlawful purpose(s)

Request for Permission to Use Content. If you wish to use, publish or access any of our

content, Offering(s) or related materials, You must do so by requesting permission prior to

commencing use of the same by email Us at secretary@ceba.dk.

Civil and Criminal Penalties. Even though our Offering is not necessarily something you can physically hold in your hand and walk away with, it is nevertheless considered theft to steal, infringe or otherwise violate these Terms and Conditions of Use. We reserve the right to prosecute infringers to the fullest extend allowed by criminal or civil statute in any jurisdiction allowed. You explicitly consent to personal jurisdiction in Denmark by opting into or purchasing any Offering or accessing its related communications

and/or materials. For each day you violate any of the points in this agreement, you will be charged a fine of 500 Euros per day.


Your Materials and Contributions.

By submitting a comment, photo, video or other material(s) onto any website or platform owned or maintained by Us, including but not limited to third party access sites, such as Our Facebook group(s) or online software platforms that we use to distribute Our Offering and related materials, you agree that we have a non-revocable, commercial license to republish your submission in whole or in part unless you explicitly state that We may not do so with said submission. You have no right

to privacy by accessing Our Offering or related materials, and We reserve the right to

disclose your participation in the same.

Model Release.

You must own the copyright to any image(s) You use by default or

voluntarily on our platforms or in our Offering or related materials. You grant Us a

commercial license to any image(s) you submit to Us by default, such as a Facebook

profile photo or other profile image you voluntarily provide in accessing the Offering, or

voluntarily upon Our request. Such a default or voluntary release of Your image and

likeness may be used for any reasonable future business use.

Notification of Use. We are not obligated to notify You or anyone in photographs of Our

publication or other use of any image or images you submit by default or voluntarily.

Security and Assumption of Risk

Security. It is Your responsibility to secure your username and password from theft or

any other means of unauthorized use that would violate these Terms and Conditions of

Use. We do not store any whole credit card

numbers or payment information, and instead, these are processed through third party

processors such as Stripe, or Paypal. By utilizing these payment processors to gain access to the Offering, You indemnify Us and instead assume any and all risk or liability for the security of the

payment details, and agree to be bound by the third party payment processor’s applicable

terms and conditions of use.

Confidentiality. You have no right to confidentiality unless otherwise explicitly stated,

such as in a subsequent client agreement, or otherwise implicitly agreed upon as

mandated by law or fiduciary duty.

Assumption of Risk. By accessing our Offering and/or related materials, whether paid or

unpaid, you assume all the risk of your access and any subsequent actions you choose to

take as a result of the influence, information or educational materials provided to You.


Earnings Disclaimer. You agree that You understand individual outcomes will vary. Case

studies or testimonials are not indicative of typical results. Each individual approaches our

Offering(s) with different backgrounds, disposable income levels, motivation and other

factors that are outside of Our control. Therefore, we cannot guarantee Your success

merely upon access or purchase of our Offering(s) or related material(s).

General Disclaimer. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude any

liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by you or others in

connection with our Offering(s), including without limitation any liability for any accidents,

delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions,

misapplication of information, physical or mental disease, condition or issue, physical,

mental, emotional, or spiritual injury or harm, loss of income or revenue, loss of business,

loss of profits or contracts, anticipated savings, loss of data, loss of goodwill, wasted time

and for any other loss or damage of any kind, however and whether caused by

negligence, breach of contract, or otherwise, even if foreseeable. We are not medical,

legal, financial or other professionals, or if We are, during the course of this Offering and

related material(s), We are not offering our professional services and you expressly agree

we are not acting in any professional capacity, including medical, legal, financial or

otherwise during the course of this Offering. This Offering is for educational and

entertainment purposes only. None of the Offering or its related material(s) should be

construed as medical, legal, financial advice.

Third Party Disclaimer.

You acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any other participant or user, including you.  Warranties Disclaimer. We make no warranties as to our programs, products, services, or program materials. You agree that programs, products, services, or program materials are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied.  To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We do not warrant that the programs, products, services, or program materials will be functional, uninterrupted, correct, complete, appropriate, or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that any part of the website, content are free of viruses or other harmful components.  We do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of our program, product or services materials or on third-party websites in terms of their correctness,  Accuracy, timeliness, reliability or otherwise.

Technology Disclaimer. We make reasonable efforts to provide You with modern,

reliable technology, software and platforms from which to access our Offering(s) and

related material(s). However, in the event of a technological failure, You accept and

acknowledge our lack of responsibility for said failure, and while we will make reasonable

efforts to support you, some technological issues are far outside our control and will

require you to access support from a third party provider, such as Thinkific.

Errors and Omissions. We make no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy,

timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information in our Offering(s).

We are not liable for any inaccuracies, errors or reliance on personal opinions contained in

our Offering(s) or related material(s).

Indemnification, Limitation of Liability and Release of Claims

Indemnification. You agree at all times to indemnify and hold harmless our Company, as

well as any of our affiliates, agents, contractors, officers, directors, shareholders,

employees, joint venture partners, successors, transferees, assignees, and licensees, as

applicable, from and against any and all claims, causes of action, damages, liabilities,

costs and expenses, including legal fees and expenses, arising out of or related to our


Limitation of Liability. We will not be held responsible or liable in any way for the

information, products or materials that you request or receive through or in relation to our

Offering(s). We do not assume liability for any third party conduct, accidents, delays, harm

or other detrimental or negative outcomes as a result of Your access of our Offering(s)

and related material(s).

Financial Considerations

Refunds. Due to the digital nature of this course, there are no refunds.

Chargebacks. You agree to make every attempt to file a refund prior to attempting a

chargeback with your financial institution. In the event of a chargeback attempt, You

expressly agree to forfeit any and all of Our bonuses, affiliate bonuses or other materials

afforded to you in exchange for your original purchase of our Offering. We reserve the

right to present proof of Your access and these Terms and Conditions of Use to the

financial institution investigating the dispute.

Recurring Payments. If you have signed up for a payment plan, You hereby authorize

our continued access to your financial information stored by our third party financial

processing company referenced in this Agreement until your payment plan is complete, as

set forth in Your acceptance of the purchase terms upon checkout.

Revocation of Access. You have the unilateral right to terminate your use and access to

any of Our Offering(s). Please send an email to secretary@ceba.dk to initiate this process.

Termination will not excuse you of further payment. Upon confirmation of your termination,

any and all outstanding balances will become immediately due and payable. Any existing

balance that remains after 14 days from the date of termination will be sent to a collections

agency, and You agree to be responsible for any additional charges, fees or costs

associated with such a collection effort, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s

fees and court costs.

Dispute Resolution. If You and our Company cannot find a resolution to a dispute or

potential claim by means of good-faith negotiation, then You explicitly agree to make a

reasonable attempt to resolve any such dispute through Alternative Dispute Resolution

or Mediation before filing a civil cause of action.

Non-Disparagement. If you are found to be slandering, libeling or otherwise

disparaging our Company, Offering(s) or related materials at our discretion, You will be

immediately removed from the Offering(s) and any related communications. We reserve

the right to file a civil claim of action against You for any such damaging actions You

take that materially harm our Company.

Terms and Conditions of Use

Last Updated on June 13, 2024.

By using this website, you agree to the following terms, conditions and privacy

policy. Please read them carefully before using this website.

General Provisions

This website is owned and operated by Dr. Charlotte Bech. You must be at least thirteen years of age to use our website. Use of this website is at your own

risk. We host our site on a reputable platform and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host

the site. However, we make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety or your

individual use of the website. The terms, conditions and privacy policy contained on this page is

subject to change at any time.

Intellectual Property Notice

All images, text, designs, graphics, trademarks and service marks are owned by and property of

Dr. Charlotte Bech, or the properly attributed party. It is a violation of federal law to use any of our

intellectual property in whole or in part, and modification of any materials contained on this site

is illegal and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent permissible should we choose to do so,

including asking for financial penalties (damages) and/or an injunction forcing you to stop using

our intellectual property immediately.

You may use our intellectual property with clear and obvious credit back to our site, as well

links back to the page where the materials, designs, images, text, quote or post is located when

it is appropriate to do so. However, you may never claim any of our intellectual property as your

own or your unique creation, even with attribution.


Your Communications

Any communications made through our ‘contact,’ blog, blog comments or other related pages,

or directly to our phones or mailing or email addresses is not held privileged or confidential and

is subject to viewing and distribution by third parties. We own any and all communications

displayed on our website, servers, comments, emails or other media as allowed by United

States law, and will not give credit or pay royalties for unsolicited user-generated content such

as blog comments or emails.

We maintain a right to republish any submission in whole or in part as reasonably necessary in

the course of our business. You agree not to submit any content or communications that could

be illegal or serve an unlawful purpose, including, but not limited to communications that are

potentially libelous or maliciously false, obscene, abusive, negligent or otherwise harmful or



Our website and related materials is provided for educational and informational use only. You

agree to indemnify and hold harmless our website and company for any direct or indirect loss or

conduct incurred as a result of your use of our website and any related communications,

including as a result of any consequences incurred from technological failures such as a

payment processor error(s) or system failure(s).

While we may reference certain results, outcomes or situations on this website, you understand

and acknowledge that we make no guarantee as to the accuracy of third party statements

contained herein or the likelihood of success for you as a result of these statements or any other

statements anywhere on this website. If you have a medical, legal or financial questions, you

should consult a medical professional, lawyer or CPA and/or CFP respectively. We expressly

disclaim any and all responsibility for any actions or omissions you choose to make as a result

of using this website, related materials, products, courses or the materials contained herein.

This website is updated on a regular basis and while we try to make accurate statements in a

timely and effective manner, we cannot guarantee that all materials and related media

contained herein are entirely accurate, complete or up to date. You expressly acknowledge and

understand that any information or knowledge you gain as a result of using this website is used

at your own risk. If you should see any errors or omissions and would like to let us know, please

email us at secretary@ceba.dk.


This site may use affiliate links to sell certain products or services. We disclaim any and all

liability as a result of your purchase through one of these links. We will use reasonable efforts to

notify you when and where we have placed affiliate links in addition to this disclaimer located in

these Terms & Conditions. You accept express liability for any and all consequences or benefits

of clicking the affiliate links contained on this website or related communications.


If at any time we feel you have violated these Terms and Conditions, then we shall immediately

terminate your use of our website and any related communications as we deem appropriate. It

is within our sole discretion to allow any user’s access of our website, and we may revoke this

access at any time without notice.

Refunds & Payment Collection

We take your investment seriously, and we’d appreciate if you took our investment of time and

resources into your success seriously too.

Due to the nature of the services and/or products

provided, refunds will not be given unless otherwise specified in writing.

All Rights Reserved. All rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions of

Use or any express written here, are reserved by Company.

Contact. If you have any questions about any term of these Terms of Use, please contact

us at secretary@ceba.dk.

Thank you.

I have read, understood and fully agree with all of the above

© Copyright Dr. Charlotte Bech 2020

Online products conditions
Terms and Conditions of Use for Dr. Charlotte Bech, including videos and online courses Last Updated on May 12. 2021. NOTICE: These Terms and Conditions of Use are legally binding. It is your responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully prior to purchase, use or access of any of our products, including online courses.

 Terms of this Course or Product Purchaser Agreement All programs and products and services are owned and provided by Dr. Charlotte Bech and www.charlottebech.dk (“Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”). The term “You” or “Your” refers to any user or purchaser of said program(s), product(s) or service(s) (the “Offering”). These Terms and Conditions of Use govern and define how You are allowed to use and access Company’s Offering. We reserve the right to update and change these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, and will update them accordingly with the ‘date last updated’ at the top of this page.  You are legally bound to these Terms and Conditions of Use whether or not you have read them. If You do not agree with any of our Terms and Conditions of Use, please email us at secretary@ceba.dk and we will make reasonable efforts to remove your name, email and access to our Offering and website(s).

Your Product or Course Use and Consent When you purchased our Offering, you were given a reasonable notice that these Terms and Conditions of Use existed. By moving forward with your purchase of the Offering and further access of the Offering, you implicitly agreed and continue to agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions of Use as well as any disclaimers and privacy disclosures contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use. You agree you are at least 18 years old or of age in your applicable jurisdiction to access the Offering. Access of our Offering and related materials by a minor is a violation of use, and we reserve the right to terminate your access if such an issue is discovered.         
 Intellectual Property Limited License. Any and all materials, paid or free, that You access on this or any related domains that contain our Offering are under the sole ownership or licensed use of Dr. Charlotte Bech. To be clear, we own our page layout and design, overall look and appearance, individual graphics, icons, videos, logos, taglines and trademarks (common law or federally registered). You are not allowed to reproduce any part of our website(s), program(s), product(s), service materials or related communications. You are only receiving a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license for non-commercial use only in order to access any content or materials in the Offering you have paid for or opted to receive. If You exceed the scope of this license, as determined by a legal authority such as a court of law or the Trademark Trials and Appeals Board, you have committed infringement in a manner that materially harms us, and we have the right to seek damages and/or an injunction to remedy the situation until we are made whole.

You may: – Access the Offering for Your personal use (if additional members of Your team need to access the Offering, You must purchase additional Offerings at one per each team member) – Download and/or print any Offering materials for your personal use in your business (if additional members of Your team need to download and/or print any materials from the Offering, You must purchase additional Offerings at one per each team member) – Use our trademarks and copyrighted materials with Our consent and proper credit and marking, namely, citing ©Dr. Charlotte Bech as the source of the materials and marking any federally registered trademarks with ® or common law trademarks with ™.

You may not: – Re-sell or trade Your access to the Offering – Share the Offering with anyone else who has not yet purchased it or opted in to receive it – Reprint or republish any of the Offering, in part or in whole – Distribute any of the materials contained in the Offering or related materials and/or communications as your own, otherwise known as stealing – Reproduce and tweak any part or whole of the Offering for distribution as your own work – Claim ownership or use over any of Our intellectual property without Our prior consent, which includes (but is not limited to): copyrights such as course materials, worksheets, workbooks, lessons, videos and more; trademarks such as names, logos, taglines or other unique source identifiers; or trade dress including the look and feel of the Offering (and its related communications and materials) – Use our Offering or any related materials and/or communications in an unlawful way or for any illegal or unlawful purpose(s) Request for Permission to Use Content. If you wish to use, publish or access any of our content, Offering(s) or related materials, You must do so by requesting permission prior to commencing use of the same by email Us at secretary@ceba.dk.  

Civil and Criminal Penalties. Even though our Offering is not necessarily something you can physically hold in your hand and walk away with, it is nevertheless considered theft to steal, infringe or otherwise violate these Terms and Conditions of Use. We reserve the right to prosecute infringers to the fullest extend allowed by criminal or civil statute in any jurisdiction allowed. You explicitly consent to personal jurisdiction in Denmark by opting into or purchasing any Offering or accessing its related communications and/or materials. For each day you violate any of the points in this agreement, you will be charged a fine of 500 Euros per day.

Your Materials and Contributions.  By submitting a comment, photo, video or other material(s) onto any website or platform owned or maintained by Us, including but not limited to third party access sites, such as Our Facebook group(s) or online software platforms that we use to distribute Our Offering and related materials, you agree that we have a non-revocable, commercial license to republish your submission in whole or in part unless you explicitly state that We may not do so with said submission. You have no right to privacy by accessing Our Offering or related materials, and We reserve the right to disclose your participation in the same.

Model Release.  You must own the copyright to any image(s) You use by default or voluntarily on our platforms or in our Offering or related materials. You grant Us a commercial license to any image(s) you submit to Us by default, such as a Facebook profile photo or other profile image you voluntarily provide in accessing the Offering, or voluntarily upon Our request. Such a default or voluntary release of Your image and likeness may be used for any reasonable future business use. Notification of Use. We are not obligated to notify You or anyone in photographs of Our publication or other use of any image or images you submit by default or voluntarily.

Security and Assumption of Risk Security. It is Your responsibility to secure your username and password from theft or any other means of unauthorized use that would violate these Terms and Conditions of Use. We do not store any whole credit card numbers or payment information, and instead, these are processed through third party processors such as Stripe, or Paypal. By utilizing these payment processors to gain access to the Offering, You indemnify Us and instead assume any and all risk or liability for the security of the payment details, and agree to be bound by the third party payment processor’s applicable terms and conditions of use.

Confidentiality. You have no right to confidentiality unless otherwise explicitly stated, such as in a subsequent client agreement, or otherwise implicitly agreed upon as mandated by law or fiduciary duty. Assumption of Risk. By accessing our Offering and/or related materials, whether paid or unpaid, you assume all the risk of your access and any subsequent actions you choose to take as a result of the influence, information or educational materials provided to You.

Disclaimers Earnings Disclaimer. You agree that You understand individual outcomes will vary. Case studies or testimonials are not indicative of typical results. Each individual approaches our Offering(s) with different backgrounds, disposable income levels, motivation and other factors that are outside of Our control. Therefore, we cannot guarantee Your success merely upon access or purchase of our Offering(s) or related material(s). General Disclaimer. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by you or others in connection with our Offering(s), including without limitation any liability for any accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental disease, condition or issue, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual injury or harm, loss of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of profits or contracts, anticipated savings, loss of data, loss of goodwill, wasted time and for any other loss or damage of any kind, however and whether caused by negligence, breach of contract, or otherwise, even if foreseeable. We are not medical, legal, financial or other professionals, or if We are, during the course of this Offering and related material(s), We are not offering our professional services and you expressly agree we are not acting in any professional capacity, including medical, legal, financial or otherwise during the course of this Offering. This Offering is for educational and entertainment purposes only. None of the Offering or its related material(s) should be construed as medical, legal, financial advice.

Third Party Disclaimer.  You acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any other participant or user, including you. Warranties Disclaimer. We make no warranties as to our programs, Products, services, or program materials. You agree that programs, products, services, or program materials are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not Limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We do not warrant that the programs, products, services, or program materials will be functional, uninterrupted, correct, complete, appropriate, or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that any part of the website, content are free of viruses or other harmful components. We do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of our program, product or services materials or on third-party websites in terms of their correctness, Accuracy, timeliness, reliability or otherwise.

Technology Disclaimer. We make reasonable efforts to provide You with modern, reliable technology, software and platforms from which to access our Offering(s) and related material(s). However, in the event of a technological failure, You accept and acknowledge our lack of responsibility for said failure, and while we will make reasonable efforts to support you, some technological issues are far outside our control and will require you to access support from a third party provider, such as Thinkific. Errors and Omissions. We make no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information in our Offering(s). We are not liable for any inaccuracies, errors or reliance on personal opinions contained in our Offering(s) or related material(s).

Indemnification, Limitation of Liability and Release of Claims Indemnification. You agree at all times to indemnify and hold harmless our Company, as well as any of our affiliates, agents, contractors, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, joint venture partners, successors, transferees, assignees, and licensees, as applicable, from and against any and all claims, causes of action, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including legal fees and expenses, arising out of or related to our Offering(s).

Limitation of Liability. We will not be held responsible or liable in any way for the information, products or materials that you request or receive through or in relation to our Offering(s). We do not assume liability for any third party conduct, accidents, delays, harm or other detrimental or negative outcomes as a result of Your access of our Offering(s) and related material(s).

Financial Considerations Refunds. Due to the digital nature of this course, there are no refunds. Chargebacks. You agree to make every attempt to file a refund prior to attempting a chargeback with your financial institution. In the event of a chargeback attempt, You expressly agree to forfeit any and all of Our bonuses, affiliate bonuses or other materials afforded to you in exchange for your original purchase of our Offering. We reserve the right to present proof of Your access and these Terms and Conditions of Use to the financial institution investigating the dispute. Recurring Payments. If you have signed up for a payment plan, You hereby authorize our continued access to your financial information stored by our third party financial processing company referenced in this Agreement until your payment plan is complete, as set forth in Your acceptance of the purchase terms upon checkout.

Revocation of Access. You have the unilateral right to terminate your use and access to any of Our Offering(s). Please send an email to secretary@ceba.dk to initiate this process. Termination will not excuse you of further payment. Upon confirmation of your termination, any and all outstanding balances will become immediately due and payable. Any existing balance that remains after 14 days from the date of termination will be sent to a collections agency, and You agree to be responsible for any additional charges, fees or costs associated with such a collection effort, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs.

Dispute Resolution. If You and our Company cannot find a resolution to a dispute or potential claim by means of good-faith negotiation, then You explicitly agree to make a reasonable attempt to resolve any such dispute through Alternative Dispute Resolution or Mediation before filing a civil cause of action.

Non-Disparagement. If you are found to be slandering, libeling or otherwise disparaging our Company, Offering(s) or related materials at our discretion, You will be immediately removed from the Offering(s) and any related communications. We reserve the right to file a civil claim of action against You for any such damaging actions You take that materially harm our Company.  

Terms and Conditions of Use Last Updated on January 21,2018 By using this website, you agree to the following terms, conditions and privacy policy. Please read them carefully before using this website.

General Provisions This website is owned and operated by Dr. Charlotte Bech. You must be at least thirteen years of age to use our website. Use of this website is at your own risk. We host our site on a reputable platform and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host the site. However, we make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety or your individual use of the website. The terms, conditions and privacy policy contained on this page is subject to change at any time.

Intellectual Property Notice All images, text, designs, graphics, trademarks and service marks are owned by and property of Dr. Charlotte Bech, or the properly attributed party. It is a violation of federal law to use any of our intellectual property in whole or in part, and modification of any materials contained on this site is illegal and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent permissible should we choose to do so, including asking for financial penalties (damages) and/or an injunction forcing you to stop using our intellectual property immediately. You may use our intellectual property with clear and obvious credit back to our site, as well links back to the page where the materials, designs, images, text, quote or post is located when it is appropriate to do so. However, you may never claim any of our intellectual property as your own or your unique creation, even with attribution.  

Your Communications Any communications made through our ‘contact,’ blog, blog comments or other related pages, or directly to our phones or mailing or email addresses is not held privileged or confidential and is subject to viewing and distribution by third parties. We own any and all communications displayed on our website, servers, comments, emails or other media as allowed by United States law, and will not give credit or pay royalties for unsolicited user-generated content such as blog comments or emails. We maintain a right to republish any submission in whole or in part as reasonably necessary in the course of our business. You agree not to submit any content or communications that could be illegal or serve an unlawful purpose, including, but not limited to communications that are potentially libelous or maliciously false, obscene, abusive, negligent or otherwise harmful or inappropriate.

Disclaimers Our website and related materials is provided for educational and informational use only. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless our website and company for any direct or indirect loss or conduct incurred as a result of your use of our website and any related communications, including as a result of any consequences incurred from technological failures such as a payment processor error(s) or system failure(s). While we may reference certain results, outcomes or situations on this website, you understand and acknowledge that we make no guarantee as to the accuracy of third party statements contained herein or the likelihood of success for you as a result of these statements or any other statements anywhere on this website. If you have a medical, legal or financial questions, you should consult a medical professional, lawyer or CPA and/or CFP respectively. We expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any actions or omissions you choose to make as a result of using this website, related materials, products, courses or the materials contained herein. This website is updated on a regular basis and while we try to make accurate statements in a timely and effective manner, we cannot guarantee that all materials and related media contained herein are entirely accurate, complete or up to date. You expressly acknowledge and understand that any information or knowledge you gain as a result of using this website is used at your own risk. If you should see any errors or omissions and would like to let us know, please email us at secretary@ceba.dk.  

Affiliates This site may use affiliate links to sell certain products or services. We disclaim any and all liability as a result of your purchase through one of these links. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you when and where we have placed affiliate links in addition to this disclaimer located in these Terms & Conditions. You accept express liability for any and all consequences or benefits of clicking the affiliate links contained on this website or related communications.

 Termination If at any time we feel you have violated these Terms and Conditions, then we shall immediately terminate your use of our website and any related communications as we deem appropriate. It is within our sole discretion to allow any user’s access of our website, and we may revoke this access at any time without notice.

Refunds & Payment Collection We take your investment seriously, and we’d appreciate if you took our investment of time and resources into your success seriously too. Due to the nature of the services and/or products provided, refunds will not be given unless otherwise specified in writing.  All Rights Reserved. All rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions of Use or any express written here, are reserved by Company. Contact. If you have any questions about any term of these Terms of Use, please contact us at secretary@ceba.dk.  Thank you.

Udtalelser (testimonals): Jeg er indforstået med, at hvis og når jeg giver en udtalelse (testimonial), enten i form af en skrfitlig udtalelse med foto, eller i form af en video, så kan dette blive brugt i markedsføring også på sociale medier. 

© Copyright Dr. Charlotte Bech 2024    

I have read, understood and fully agree to all of the above pages, including Medical agreement, Medical disclaimer, Datapolitik, Handelsbetingelser og abonnementsbetingelser, Online products conditions, Agreement for AyurVeda Block 1

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Underskrift …………………………………………………………………….

Handelsbetingelser og abonnementsbetingelser

Produkter og tjenester udbydes af:

Charlotte Bech
Nørregade 41, 2. sal
1165 København K
Kontakt os på cb@ceba.dk.

Produkterne bliver leveret digitalt via e-mail, som fysiske kurser eller arrangementer, eller med Post eller fragtmand.

Produkter kan købes med både VISA, Mastercard og Dankort.

Alle priser er i danske kroner inkl. moms.

For abonnementer gælder at abonnementsprisen, som oplyst på produktsiden, automatisk bliver trukket for hver abonnementsperiode. Kvittering for trækket tilsendes per email.

Du modtager en email med bekræftelse på din abonnementstilmelding efter indgåelse af abonnementet.

Du kan når som helst opsige dit abonnement ved at skrive til cb@ceba.dk, eller ved at logge ind på din konto og selv stoppe abonnementet. Opsigelsen er øjeblikkelig, og efter opsigelsen vil der ikke blive faktureret eller trukket yderligere. Allerede udsendte fakturaer skal dog stadig betales.

Ønsker du at ændre det kort abonnementet trækkes på gøres dette ved at klikke på det link, der står i hver faktura.

Levering sker som oftest i løbet af få minutter, men i helt særlige tilfælde kan der gå op til 5 hverdage.

Alle rettigheder til kurser, workshops, events samt digitale produkter tilhører Charlotte Bech. Ved køb opnås udelukkende licens til at benytte det købte produkt som angivet under det pågældende produkt.

Betalingsvilkår gyldig fra 11. juli 2017

Accept af særlige vilkår

Charlotte Bech leverer online produkter og tjenester, som stilles til rådighed gennem Charlottebech.dk. De produkter og services Charlottebech.dk tilbyder igennem hjemmesiden er ubetinget underlagt følgende særlige vilkår for brug.

Charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig ret til at opdatere særlige vilkår til enhver tid og uden varsel.

 Afvikling – ændringer & aflysning

Charlottebech.dk har ret til at ændre tidspunktet for købte online ydelser / sessioner. Er der tale om 1:1 sessioner fastlægges et nyt tidspunkt, dog efter aftale mellem parterne. Ændringer giver ikke ret til hel eller delvis tilbagebetaling af betalte beløb. Indbetalte beløb refunderes som udgangspunkt ikke.

Charlottebech.dk har ret til at aflyse købte ydelser / sessioner/ kurser / møder/ forløb mod tilbagebetaling af den del af det betalte beløb, som dækker den / de aflyste ydelse(r) / session(er). Man er ikke garanteret en ydelse, selv om man har betalt. Charlottebech.dk har ret til – fra sin side – at annullere en ordre, og refundere indbetalte beløb.

Hvis der eksempelvis ikke er nok tilmeldte til mødet/konsultation/kurset/arrangementet, forbeholder vi os ret til at aflyse eller ændre startdato. Hvis startdatoen ændres, vil du få besked via mail, og have mulighed for at afmelde dig med fuld tilbagebetaling. Ved aflysning fra klinikkens side vil et eventuelt indbetalt beløb blive returneret til dig.

Charlottebech.dk kan vælge, men er ikke forpligtet til, at tilbyde at erstatte den / de aflyste ydelser / sessioner/ kurser / møder/ forløb med nye efter nærmere aftale. Siger du ja til et evt. tilbud om erstatningsydelser/-sessioner, har du ikke også ret til tilbagebetaling.

Du er selv ansvarlig for at møde op eller ringe op eller logge på til de aftalte/meddelte tider, og for at du har en velfungerende telefon- og / eller internet forbindelse samt en aktiv e-mail konto med tilpassede spamfiltre. Du er selv ansvarlig for at oplyse dine til enhver tid aktuelle telefonnumre og e-mail adresser. Oplysningerne skal gives skriftligt via e-mail.

Det er ikke muligt at få refusion for betaling af aflyste aftaler, herunder resterende konsultationer i et forudbetalt forløb, som er aflyst fra patientens side, uanset grund, eller resterende kursusdage i et igangværende kursusforløb/uddannelse/møde, som er aflyst fra kursistens side, uanset grund.

Din plads på holdet/mødet/konsultationen/kurser/uddannelser er først endeligt reserveret, når vi har modtaget din fulde indbetaling på det pågældende deltagergebyr. Modtages den fulde betaling ikke rettidigt, vil pladsen blive frigivet. Rettidig betaling varierer fra ydelse til ydelse.

Fortrydelsesret for forbruger

Som forbruger har du 14 dages fortrydelsesret, når du handler hos Charlottebech.dk. Fortrydelsesretten gælder dog ikke levering af digitalt indhold, eller levering af plomberede lyd- og billedoptagelser. Fortrydelsesretten bortfalder 14 dage inden kurset.

Beløbet hæves op til 30 dage før den dag hvor starten af selve uddannelserne og kurserne finder sted, fordi produktet skal gøres personligt i forberedelsen. Beløbet hæves på selve den dag hvor møder/konsultationer/forløb finder sted.

I henhold til forbrugeraftaleloven er der maksimalt 14 dages fortrydelsesret ved e-handel, herunder kurser/møder/konsultationer købt via denne portal, dog senest ved starttidspunktet for levering af ydelsen eller starten af kursusforløb/møder/konsultationer/uddannelser. Ved køb af ydelser løber 14 dages fristen fra den dag, du har tilmeldt dig og betalt.

Fristen regnes som udgangspunkt fra den dag, du har indgået aftalen, dvs. når du tilmelder dig kurset/mødet/konsultationen/uddannelsen/mødet. Inden udløbet af fortrydelsesfristen skal du underrette os om, at du har fortrudt aftalen, skriftligt pr. e-mail inden fristens udløb.

Hvis du tilmelder dig og betaler mindre end 4 uger til afholdelse af workshops, kurser, konsultationer, møder, forløb etc. frafalder de 14 dages fortrydelsesret.

Uanset om du har købt ydelser eller produkter, skal du inden for de 14 dage give os udtrykkelig meddelelse om, at du ønsker at fortryde dit køb via mail. Du kan ikke fortryde ved blot at nægte deltagelse i / modtagelse af eller returnere købte ydelser/produkter.

Produkter skal returneres til os inden 14 dage, og du skal afholde de direkte udgifter i forbindelse med returneringen. Når vi har modtaget det returnerede produkt i ikke-forringet stand, refunderer vi uden unødig forsinkelse dit tilgodehavende.

Købelovens mangelsregler i forbrugerkøb, herunder den 24-måneders reklamationsfrist, anvendes som udgangspunkt ikke på køb af tjenesteydelser, så kontakt os med det samme, hvis du oplever problemer.

Klageadgang for forbruger

Aftalen er undergivet dansk ret. Enhver uoverensstemmelse mellem parterne skal afgøres ved Retten i Lyngby som første instans. Er du forbruger, og vil du klage over dit køb, skal du rette henvendelse til Charlotte Bech via mail. Hvis det ikke lykkes os at finde en løsning, kan du indgive en klage til relevante nævn på området, såfremt betingelserne for det er opfyldt.

Betaling & Betalingsbetingelser

Alle priser er i danske kroner (DKK) ekskl. Moms, med mindre andet er anført.

Ved kortbetaling er du selv ansvarlig for at give os besked, hvis du får nyt kort. Besked skal gives skriftligt på ovennævnte e-mail adresse.

Kurser, møder, konsultationer, online-forløb og andre kurser/workshops skal betales fuldt ud ved aftalens indgåelse. Uanset hvilken betalingsform som aftales, er aftalen/tilmeldingen endeligt bindende. Og du hæfter for det fulde beløb. Forsinket eller udebleven betaling kan ikke anses for gyldig opsigelse/ophævelse af aftalen. Ved forsinket/udebleven betaling tillægges morarente i henhold til Rentelovens regler.


Ethvert erstatningsansvar, som Charlottebech.dk måtte pådrage sig i relation til de købte ydelser og produkter er begrænset til direkte skade og tab. Charlottebech.dk skal under ingen omstændigheder være ansvarlig for indirekte skade eller tab.

Ansvarsfraskrivelsen for indirekte skade og tab gælder uanset arten af erstatningsansvar, og uanset om Charlottebech.dk har handlet simpelt uagtsomt. Charlottebech.dks erstatningsansvar for direkte skade og tab er begrænset til 50 % af prisen på den ydelse eller det produkt, som erstatningsansvaret vedrører.


Charlottebech.dk har alle rettigheder til leverede ydelser og produkter, hvad enten de er live, digitale eller trykte. Ved køb opnås alene en brugsret til det købte. Brugsretten er personlig. Det købte må kun anvendes til eget brug. Det købte skal behandles fortroligt og må ikke udleveres eller videregives til tredjemand.

Det købte må ikke anvendes til andre formål end det, hvortil det er købt, herunder må det købte særligt ikke anvendes kommercielt i direkte eller indirekte konkurrence med Charlottebech.dk som virksomhed. Charlotte Bechs navn må ikke anvendes i reklame- eller referenceøjemed uden skriftlig tilladelse.

Såfremt det købte eller Charlotte Bechs navn anvendes i strid med denne bestemmelse, er Charlottebech.dk berettiget til en bod på 100.000 (hundrede tusinde) kr. pr. overtrædelse for hver påbegyndt måned. Charlottebech.dk er også berettiget til at få overtrædelsen stoppet ved fogedforbud uden sikkerhedsstillelse.


Charlottebech.dk indsamler kun de oplysninger om dig, som du selv afgiver i forbindelse med køb af ydelser og produkter eller tilmelding til nyhedsbrevet. Formålet med indsamlingen er at kunne gennemføre det køb / den levering, som oplysningerne er indsamlet i forbindelse med.

Vi behandler dine oplysninger fortroligt og i overensstemmelse med Persondatalovens regler. Dine oplysninger videregives ikke til tredjemand. Dine oplysninger bliver slettet, når det køb / den levering, de er blevet indsamlet til, endeligt afsluttes.

Du har ret til at få oplyst, hvilke oplysninger Charlottebech.dk har om dig. Hvis oplysningerne ikke er korrekte, har du ret til at få dem ændret eller slettet. Du kan rette henvendelse herom på ovennævnte e-mail adresse.

Ved at sende et indlæg, som indeholder billeder, fotografier, billeder eller som på anden måde indeholder noget grafisk helt eller delvist, garanterer du hermed at du er copyright ejer af sådanne billeder, eller at indehaveren af ​​ophavsretten af ​​sådanne billeder har givet dig tilladelse til at bruge sådanne billeder eller indhold og / eller billeder, der er indeholdt i sådanne billeder er i overensstemmelse med den måde, og formålet med dit brug og andet er tilladt af disse vilkår.

Du bekræfter at du har de nødvendige rettigheder til at tillade at hvis nogen person er afbilledet, at de så har givet samtykke til brug af billederne som angivet i disse vilkår, som eksempelvis – men ikke begrænset til -distribution, offentlig visning og reproduktion af sådanne billeder.

Ved at indsende billeder, giver du udtrykkeligt tilladelse til at se billederne i forbindelse med brug, som er tilladt i henhold disse vilkår, af en hvilken som helst af de services og kommunikationstjenester stilles til rådighed på Charlottebech.dk . Alle brugere af tjenesterne og / eller kommunikationstjenester for hver af sådanne billeder stillet til rådighed eller på anden måde formidles i forbindelse med nogen af ​​de tjenester, kommunikationstjenester eller hvor som helst på hjemmesiden.

Ingen kompensation eller provision vil blive betalt af Charlottebech.dk eller til enhver bruger af tjenesterne eller hjemmesiden, med hensyn til din brug af materialet eller udstationering af billeder, medmindre andet er aftalt skriftligt.

Vedrørende dokumenter og andre oplysninger lagt ud på webstedet

Charlottebech.dk giver brugere mulighed for at deltage i en eller flere kommunikationsfora som en del af tjenesterne. Tilladelse til at se, adgang til og / eller bruge webstedet videoindhold, datablade, PDF filer, ofte stillede spørgsmål etc og andre materialer fra de tjenester.

(1) Din brug af indholdet stilles til rådighed via tjenesterne eller hjemmesiden, som ikke overtræder de særlige vilkår og betingelser. (2) Din brug af indholdet via tjenesterne eller hjemmesiden er til personlige brug og det er ikke tilladt at kopiere det til eller lægge det ud på nogen netværkscomputer, andre hjemmesider, kommunikation fora, sociale netværk eller nogen anden form for medier. (3) Distribution af indhold kræver Charlottebech.dks udtrykkelig skriftlig tilladelse. Anvendelse til andre formål er udtrykkeligt forbudt ved lov og kan resultere i alvorlige civile og strafferetlige sanktioner. Lovovertrædere vil blive retsforfulgt i videst muligt omfang.

Elementer af Charlottebech.dk er beskyttet af ophavsret, vareudstyr, varemærker, illoyal konkurrence og andre styrende love og må ikke kopieres eller efterlignes helt eller delvist. Ingen logo, grafisk, lyd eller billede fra dette site må kopieres eller transmitteres uden udtrykkelig tilladelse skriftligt af Charlottebech.dk.

Indholdet på hjemmesiden, information, lister, posteringer, kommunikation og grafiske fremstillinger eller andet i forbindelse med tjenesterne kan indeholde tekniske unøjagtigheder, typografiske fejl, eller fejlagtige oplysninger vedrørende tilstand, kvalitet eller på anden måde.

Charlottebech.dk kan under ingen omstændigheder være ansvarlig for nogen specielle tab ved brug af data, enten i forsømmelighed eller anden skadevoldende handling, der udspringer af eller i forbindelse med brug af hjemmesiden. Det er uanset om der er tale om formidling, visning, svar på eller udførelsen af ​​ethvert indhold, information, produkt, data, grafisk billede eller andre medier repræsenteret i forbindelse med oplysninger, der offentliggøres på eller formidles i forbindelse med hjemmesiden eller tjenester som kan fås via hjemmesiden.

Hvis nogen af tjenesterne kræver at du åbner en konto, så skal du udfylde registreringsprocessen ved at give Charlottebech.dk aktuelle og præcise oplysninger. Du bliver bedt om at vælge din egen adgangskode og / eller et brugernavn. Du er selv ansvarlig for at beskytte fortroligheden af dit kodeord samt konto. Desuden er du selv alene ansvarlig for enhver og alle aktiviteter der foregår under din konto.

Du accepterer at underrette Charlottebech.dk om uautoriseret brug af din konto eller brud på sikkerheden. Charlottebech.dk er ikke være ansvarlig for tab, som du måtte lide som følge af at en anden person bruger din adgangskode eller konto, enten med eller uden din viden.

Misbrug og ulovlig anvendelse af indhold og tjenester

Som en udtrykkelig betingelse ved brug af de tjenester og indhold som er tilgængelige på Charlottebech.dk, så accepterer du, at du kun kan bruge ydelserne og tjenester til eget privat brug, og ikke andre formål.

Du må ikke bruge tjenesterne og / eller indholdet på nogen måde, der kan skade, deaktivere, overbelaste, eller forstyrre andre brugeres besøg eller indhold.  Du må ikke forsøge at få uautoriseret adgang til nogen tjenester, indhold, andre konti gennem hacking, password mining eller anden måde. De må ikke skaffe adgang eller forsøge på at skaffe adgang til materiale eller oplysninger ved vildledende midler eller handlinger vildledning, løgn eller bedrageri ved brug af tjenesterne og / eller indhold.

Brug af tjenester og indhold som er tilgængelige på Charlottebech.dk

De tjenester og det indhold som stilles til rådighed for dig, kan indeholde email tjenester, chatområder, nyhedsgrupper, forums, personlige hjemmesider og/ eller faciliteter som er designet til at gøre dig i stand til at kommunikere med andre. Du accepterer at du bruger kommunikationstjenesterne til indlæg, til at sende og modtage beskeder og materiale der er af lødig karakter, og relateret til den pågældende kommunikationstjeneste.

Som eksempel og ikke som en begrænsning, accepterer du, at når du bruger kommunikationstjenester vil du undlade at:  1) Bagvaske, udnytte, chikanere, spekulere, true eller på anden måde krænke retssikkerheden (så som retten til privatlivets fred og offentliggørelse)   2) Poste, indrykke, distribuere eller udbrede nogen form for upassende, blasfemiske, ærekrænkende, uanstændige, usømmelige, eller ulovlige emner, navne, materiale eller informationer.  3) Indlæse filer der indeholder virus, trojanske heste, orme, korrupte filer eller andet lignende software der kan skade driften af ​​en anden computer.  4) Uploade filer eller andet som der indeholder billeder, fotografier, software eller andet materiale der er beskyttet af intellektuel ejendomsret, herunder eksempelvis men ikke begrænset til copyright eller varemærkning ved lov eller retten til privatlivets fred eller omtale, medmindre du ejer eller kontrollerer rettighederne eller har modtaget alle nødvendige samtykke til for det samme.  5) Brug kommunikationstjenester i forbindelse med undersøgelser, konkurrencer, pyramidespil, kædebreve, uønsket e-mail, spam eller nogen overlappende eller uopfordrede beskeder (kommercielle eller andet);  6) Annoncere eller tilbyde at sælge eller købe varer eller tjenester via handlinger, bedrag, vildledning, bedrageri, eller gennem hemmeligholdelsesaftale eller tilbageholdelse af væsentlige oplysninger relateret til det der udbydes, sælges eller købte varer eller tjenester.  7) Bruge ethvert materiale eller oplysninger, herunder billeder eller fotografier som er gjort tilgængelige via tjenesterne, og indhold som på nogen måde krænker ophavsret, varemærker, patenter, forretningshemmeligheder eller andre anstændighed retten for en part. 8) Hente enhver fil der er posteret af anden bruger i en kommunikationstjeneste som du ved, eller med rimelighed burde vide, ikke lovligt kan reproduceres, vises, udføres, og / eller distribueres på en sådan måde. 9) Begrænse eller forhindre andre brugere i at bruge og nyde kommunikationstjenesterne. 10) Harveste eller på anden måde indsamle oplysninger om andre, inklusive e-mail adresser; 11) Overtræde gældende love eller regler;  12) Bruge, downloade eller på anden måde kopiere, eller give (hvad enten mod betaling eller ej) til en person eller enhed enhver mappe af brugere af tjenesterne eller andre bruger- eller brugsoplysninger eller dele heraf.  13) Oprette en falsk identitet med det formål at vildlede andre.

Charlottebech.dk har ingen forpligtigelse til at overvåge kommunikationstjenesterne eller materiale der lægges på, noteret på eller på anden måde formidles gennem tjenesterne. Charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig dog ret til at gennemse materiale posteret med kommunikations tjenesterne for at fjerne enhver og alt materiale der vises på webstedet med eller uden årsag efter eget skøn. Charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig endvidere ret til at ekskludere eller forhindre deres adgang til enhver eller alle kommunikationstjenester på ethvert tidspunkt og uden varsel om grundlaget for eksklusionen.

Charlottebech.dk forbeholder sig ret til altid at kunne offentliggøre eller udlevere enhver oplysning som nødvendigt, for at kunne opretholde gyldig lovgivning, regulativer, retslig proces eller statslig anmodning, redigere, afvise indlæg, fjerne enhver oplysning eller materialer helt eller delvist, som udkommer på stedet efter eget skøn.

Charlottebech.dk kan uploade indhold eller andet materiale via kommunikationstjenesterne og kan være genstand for forbrugsbegrænsninger, reproduktion og / eller udbredelse. Du er ansvarlig for at overholde sådanne begrænsninger hvis du henter materiale. Eventuelle brugeruploadede materialer følger strengt de betingelser, der er anført i disse generelle vilkår.

 Begrænsning af ansvar for tjenester gjort tilgængelige på websitet.

Du accepterer udtrykkeligt, at lovgivningen uden hensyn til et hvilket som helst relevant modstridende retsprincip, finder anvendelse i enhver tvist, vedrørende din brug af tjenesterne, indholdet eller ethvert andet spørgsmål relateret til hjemmesiden.

Du accepterer udtrykkeligt og samtykker til udøvelse af personlig jurisdiktion i retten (via retten) angående enhver tvist vedrørende din brug af tjenester, indhold, vilkårene eller ethvert andet spørgsmål vedrørende hjemmesiden.

Du accepterer og samtykke til at en kompetent domstol i Danmark bliver det eneste mødested for alle tvister vedrørende din brug af tjenester, indhold, vilkårene eller ethvert andet spørgsmål vedrørende hjemmesiden.

Charlottebech.dk betaler ingen kompensation eller provision af til dig med hensyn til brug af tjenesterne eller opslag. Charlottebech.dk er ikke forpligtet til at poste eller anvende det materiale du har indsendt på hjemmesiden eller via kommunikationstjenesterne. Charlottebech.dk kan fjerne det hele eller dele heraf, af enhver indgivelse og / eller udstationering til enhver tid efter eget skøn uanset årsag.

Politik omkring kundeoplysninger. Se cookie- og privatlivspolitik her.

Cookies Se cookie- og privatlivspolitik her.

Medical disclaimer This course does not provide medical advice. It does not replace the official guidelines for general health care in your country. You should follow the advice of your GP or your medical doctor. The programme presented in this course is a supplement to the official guidelines for health.

The course provides general guidelines for a healthier lifestyle. No parts of the course are intending to diagnose or treat disease or replace standard care by medical doctors and other health professionals. The guidelines are preventive in nature and do not replace other preventive guidelines, treatments or medicines given by other doctors. All knowledge in this course is given, assuming the course participants take full responsibility for their own health.

Although hundreds of course participants over the years successfully have followed the guidelines in this course without any problems, there is no guarantee of the results. The author, the presenter and the publisher cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects or any adverse outcomes that may arise from the instructions in this course.

Everyone should see their GP doctor if they have any questions or doubts before following any of the advice which is described in this course, and before they consider changing their current treatment or medicines.

The author, the presenter and the publisher can

in no way be liable for the information contained in this course – even if the information (unexpectedly) should turn out to be inaccurate.

The author, the presenter and the publisher

cannot impose liability for damage or loss that have occurred directly or indirectly based on the information contained in this course.

The contents of this course are intended as general information and can in no way be compared to personal professional medical advice.

Medical agreement

I agree with the following:

– that I keep my own practitioner

– Doctor Charlotte Bech does not take over the role of my GP.

– the consultation is a supplement to – and in no way replaces – visits to other doctors, advice from other doctors or other medical and medical standard treatment

– the consultation is a supplement to – and in no way replaces – the recommendations of the National Board of Health in this area

– I will continue all treatment and medicine given by other doctors

– All treatment and medication given by other doctors can only be changed in agreement with these other doctors

– that the guidelines are preventive in nature and do not replace other preventive guidelines given by other doctors

– there is no guarantee of cure of any diseases

– the clinic does not assume responsibility for hidden or current diseases

– the consultations provide general guidelines for educating me in healthier lifestyles

– that I take full responsibility for my own health

– that the instructions and information that I receive can not be used in teaching or other professional work, and only for my own personal use

– I have received instructions according to the current guidelines from the National Board of Health

– I wish – and agree to – to be informed – as a supplement to the current guidance – what is recommended in Ayurvedic practice, and that I have been explained and explained links to what Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations are and what may be after effects

– I am informed of the proposed treatment and, if appropriate, implications.

Terms and Conditions of Use for Dr. Charlotte Bech, including videos and online courses

Last Updated on May 12. 2020

NOTICE: These Terms and Conditions of Use are legally binding. It is your

responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully prior to purchase,

use or access of any of our products, including online courses.

Terms of this Course or Product Purchaser Agreement

All programs and products and services are owned

and provided by Dr. Charlotte Bech and www.charlottebech.dk (“Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”). The term “You” or “Your” refers to any user or purchaser of said program(s), product(s) or

service(s) (the “Offering”). These Terms and Conditions of Use govern and define how You

are allowed to use and access Company’s Offering. We reserve the right to update and change these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time,

and will update them accordingly with the ‘date last updated’ at the top of this page.

You are legally bound to these Terms and Conditions of Use whether or not you have read

them. If You do not agree with any of our Terms and Conditions of Use, please email us at

secretary@ceba.dk and we will make reasonable efforts to remove

your name, email and access to our Offering and website(s).

Your Product or Course Use and Consent

When you purchased our Offering, you were given a reasonable notice that these Terms and

Conditions of Use existed. By moving forward with your purchase of the Offering and further

access of the Offering, you implicitly agreed and continue to agree to abide by these Terms

and Conditions of Use as well as any disclaimers and privacy disclosures contained in these

Terms and Conditions of Use.

You agree you are at least 18 years old or of age in your applicable jurisdiction to access the

Offering. Access of our Offering and related materials by a minor is a violation of use, and

we reserve the right to terminate your access if such an issue is discovered.

Intellectual Property

Limited License. Any and all materials, paid or free, that You access on this or any related

domains that contain our Offering are under the sole ownership or licensed use of Dr. Charlotte Bech.

To be clear, we own our page layout and design, overall look and appearance, individual

graphics, icons, videos, logos, taglines and trademarks (common law or federally registered).

You are not allowed to reproduce any part of our website(s), program(s), product(s), service

materials or related communications.

You are only receiving a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license for

non-commercial use only in order to access any content or materials in the Offering you

have paid for or opted to receive. If You exceed the scope of this license, as determined by a

legal authority such as a court of law or the Trademark Trials and Appeals Board, you have

committed infringement in a manner that materially harms us, and we have the right to seek

damages and/or an injunction to remedy the situation until we are made whole.

You may:

– Access the Offering for Your personal use (if additional members of Your team

need to access the Offering, You must purchase additional Offerings at one per

each team member)

– Download and/or print any Offering materials for your personal use in your business

(if additional members of Your team need to download and/or print any materials

from the Offering, You must purchase additional Offerings at one per each team


– Use our trademarks and copyrighted materials with Our consent and proper credit

and marking, namely, citing ©Dr. Charlotte Bech as the source of the

materials and marking any federally registered trademarks with ® or common law

trademarks with ™.

You may not:

– Re-sell or trade Your access to the Offering

– Share the Offering with anyone else who has not yet purchased it or opted in to

receive it

– Reprint or republish any of the Offering, in part or in whole

– Distribute any of the materials contained in the Offering or related materials and/or

communications as your own, otherwise known as stealing

– Reproduce and tweak any part or whole of the Offering for distribution as your own


– Claim ownership or use over any of Our intellectual property without Our prior

consent, which includes (but is not limited to): copyrights such as course materials,

worksheets, workbooks, lessons, videos and more; trademarks such as names,

logos, taglines or other unique source identifiers; or trade dress including the look

and feel of the Offering (and its related communications and materials)

– Use our Offering or any related materials and/or communications in an unlawful

way or for any illegal or unlawful purpose(s)

Request for Permission to Use Content. If you wish to use, publish or access any of our

content, Offering(s) or related materials, You must do so by requesting permission prior to

commencing use of the same by email Us at secretary@ceba.dk.

Civil and Criminal Penalties. Even though our Offering is not necessarily something you can physically hold in your hand and walk away with, it is nevertheless considered theft to steal, infringe or otherwise violate these Terms and Conditions of Use. We reserve the right to prosecute infringers to the fullest extend allowed by criminal or civil statute in any jurisdiction allowed. You explicitly consent to personal jurisdiction in Denmark by opting into or purchasing any Offering or accessing its related communications

and/or materials. For each day you violate any of the points in this agreement, you will be charged a fine of 500 Euros per day.

Your Materials and Contributions.

By submitting a comment, photo, video or other material(s) onto any website or platform owned or maintained by Us, including but not limited to third party access sites, such as Our Facebook group(s) or online software platforms that we use to distribute Our Offering and related materials, you agree that we have a non-revocable, commercial license to republish your submission in whole or in part unless you explicitly state that We may not do so with said submission. You have no right

to privacy by accessing Our Offering or related materials, and We reserve the right to

disclose your participation in the same.

Model Release.

You must own the copyright to any image(s) You use by default or

voluntarily on our platforms or in our Offering or related materials. You grant Us a

commercial license to any image(s) you submit to Us by default, such as a Facebook

profile photo or other profile image you voluntarily provide in accessing the Offering, or

voluntarily upon Our request. Such a default or voluntary release of Your image and

likeness may be used for any reasonable future business use.

Notification of Use. We are not obligated to notify You or anyone in photographs of Our

publication or other use of any image or images you submit by default or voluntarily.

Security and Assumption of Risk

Security. It is Your responsibility to secure your username and password from theft or

any other means of unauthorized use that would violate these Terms and Conditions of

Use. We do not store any whole credit card

numbers or payment information, and instead, these are processed through third party

processors such as Stripe, or Paypal. By utilizing these payment processors to gain access to the Offering, You indemnify Us and instead assume any and all risk or liability for the security of the

payment details, and agree to be bound by the third party payment processor’s applicable

terms and conditions of use.

Confidentiality. You have no right to confidentiality unless otherwise explicitly stated,

such as in a subsequent client agreement, or otherwise implicitly agreed upon as

mandated by law or fiduciary duty.

Assumption of Risk. By accessing our Offering and/or related materials, whether paid or

unpaid, you assume all the risk of your access and any subsequent actions you choose to

take as a result of the influence, information or educational materials provided to You.


Earnings Disclaimer. You agree that You understand individual outcomes will vary. Case

studies or testimonials are not indicative of typical results. Each individual approaches our

Offering(s) with different backgrounds, disposable income levels, motivation and other

factors that are outside of Our control. Therefore, we cannot guarantee Your success

merely upon access or purchase of our Offering(s) or related material(s).

General Disclaimer. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude any

liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by you or others in

connection with our Offering(s), including without limitation any liability for any accidents,

delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions,

misapplication of information, physical or mental disease, condition or issue, physical,

mental, emotional, or spiritual injury or harm, loss of income or revenue, loss of business,

loss of profits or contracts, anticipated savings, loss of data, loss of goodwill, wasted time

and for any other loss or damage of any kind, however and whether caused by

negligence, breach of contract, or otherwise, even if foreseeable. We are not medical,

legal, financial or other professionals, or if We are, during the course of this Offering and

related material(s), We are not offering our professional services and you expressly agree

we are not acting in any professional capacity, including medical, legal, financial or

otherwise during the course of this Offering. This Offering is for educational and

entertainment purposes only. None of the Offering or its related material(s) should be

construed as medical, legal, financial advice.

Third Party Disclaimer.

You acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any

defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any other participant or user, including you.

















Technology Disclaimer. We make reasonable efforts to provide You with modern,

reliable technology, software and platforms from which to access our Offering(s) and

related material(s). However, in the event of a technological failure, You accept and

acknowledge our lack of responsibility for said failure, and while we will make reasonable

efforts to support you, some technological issues are far outside our control and will

require you to access support from a third party provider, such as Thinkific.

Errors and Omissions. We make no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy,

timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information in our Offering(s).

We are not liable for any inaccuracies, errors or reliance on personal opinions contained in

our Offering(s) or related material(s).

Indemnification, Limitation of Liability and Release of Claims

Indemnification. You agree at all times to indemnify and hold harmless our Company, as

well as any of our affiliates, agents, contractors, officers, directors, shareholders,

employees, joint venture partners, successors, transferees, assignees, and licensees, as

applicable, from and against any and all claims, causes of action, damages, liabilities,

costs and expenses, including legal fees and expenses, arising out of or related to our

Offering(s) .

Limitation of Liability. We will not be held responsible or liable in any way for the

information, products or materials that you request or receive through or in relation to our

Offering(s). We do not assume liability for any third party conduct, accidents, delays, harm

or other detrimental or negative outcomes as a result of Your access of our Offering(s)

and related material(s).

Financial Considerations

Refunds. Due to the digital nature of this course, there are no refunds.

Chargebacks. You agree to make every attempt to file a refund prior to attempting a

chargeback with your financial institution. In the event of a chargeback attempt, You

expressly agree to forfeit any and all of Our bonuses, affiliate bonuses or other materials

afforded to you in exchange for your original purchase of our Offering. We reserve the

right to present proof of Your access and these Terms and Conditions of Use to the

financial institution investigating the dispute.

Recurring Payments. If you have signed up for a payment plan, You hereby authorize

our continued access to your financial information stored by our third party financial

processing company referenced in this Agreement until your payment plan is complete, as

set forth in Your acceptance of the purchase terms upon checkout.

Revocation of Access. You have the unilateral right to terminate your use and access to

any of Our Offering(s). Please send an email to secretary@ceba.dk to initiate this process.

Termination will not excuse you of further payment. Upon confirmation of your termination,

any and all outstanding balances will become immediately due and payable. Any existing

balance that remains after 14 days from the date of termination will be sent to a collections

agency, and You agree to be responsible for any additional charges, fees or costs

associated with such a collection effort, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s

fees and court costs.

Dispute Resolution. If You and our Company cannot find a resolution to a dispute or

potential claim by means of good-faith negotiation, then You explicitly agree to make a

reasonable attempt to resolve any such dispute through Alternative Dispute Resolution

or Mediation before filing a civil cause of action.

Non-Disparagement. If you are found to be slandering, libeling or otherwise

disparaging our Company, Offering(s) or related materials at our discretion, You will be

immediately removed from the Offering(s) and any related communications. We reserve

the right to file a civil claim of action against You for any such damaging actions You

take that materially harm our Company.

Terms and Conditions of Use

Last Updated on January 21,2018

By using this website, you agree to the following terms, conditions and privacy

policy. Please read them carefully before using this website.

General Provisions

This website is owned and operated by Dr. Charlotte Bech. You must be at least thirteen years of age to use our website. Use of this website is at your own

risk. We host our site on a reputable platform and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host

the site. However, we make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety or your

individual use of the website. The terms, conditions and privacy policy contained on this page is

subject to change at any time.

Intellectual Property Notice

All images, text, designs, graphics, trademarks and service marks are owned by and property of

Dr. Charlotte Bech, or the properly attributed party. It is a violation of federal law to use any of our

intellectual property in whole or in part, and modification of any materials contained on this site

is illegal and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent permissible should we choose to do so,

including asking for financial penalties (damages) and/or an injunction forcing you to stop using

our intellectual property immediately.

You may use our intellectual property with clear and obvious credit back to our site, as well

links back to the page where the materials, designs, images, text, quote or post is located when

it is appropriate to do so. However, you may never claim any of our intellectual property as your

own or your unique creation, even with attribution.


Your Communications

Any communications made through our ‘contact,’ blog, blog comments or other related pages,

or directly to our phones or mailing or email addresses is not held privileged or confidential and

is subject to viewing and distribution by third parties. We own any and all communications

displayed on our website, servers, comments, emails or other media as allowed by United

States law, and will not give credit or pay royalties for unsolicited user-generated content such

as blog comments or emails.

We maintain a right to republish any submission in whole or in part as reasonably necessary in

the course of our business. You agree not to submit any content or communications that could

be illegal or serve an unlawful purpose, including, but not limited to communications that are

potentially libelous or maliciously false, obscene, abusive, negligent or otherwise harmful or



Our website and related materials is provided for educational and informational use only. You

agree to indemnify and hold harmless our website and company for any direct or indirect loss or

conduct incurred as a result of your use of our website and any related communications,

including as a result of any consequences incurred from technological failures such as a

payment processor error(s) or system failure(s).

While we may reference certain results, outcomes or situations on this website, you understand

and acknowledge that we make no guarantee as to the accuracy of third party statements

contained herein or the likelihood of success for you as a result of these statements or any other

statements anywhere on this website. If you have a medical, legal or financial questions, you

should consult a medical professional, lawyer or CPA and/or CFP respectively. We expressly

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This website is updated on a regular basis and while we try to make accurate statements in a

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email us at secretary@ceba.dk.


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Refunds & Payment Collection

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Due to the nature of the services and/or products

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Contact. If you have any questions about any term of these Terms of Use, please contact

us at secretary@ceba.dk.

Thank you.

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© Copyright Dr. Charlotte Bech 2020